Sunday 10 February 2013

Meet Milly & Learn About Cow Share

We were lucky enough to meet Lucas and Danielle from Canobolas Pure Health Food Store in Orange NSW (like their facebook page here) and got talking about milk and cow share. This sparked something off in us to want to share our new found knowledge with our friends and family.

So here is our latest video blog instalment of meeting Milly the Jersey Cow and learning all about 'Cow Share'. (And learning to edit a video

We have to extend our gratitude to Lucas and his wife Danielle at Canobolas Pure Health Food Store for sharing their time and knowledge of this precious subject...and of Course Milly for sharing her milk with us!

*No animals or humans were harmed during and after the filming of this video.

First, a few points we learnt about Cow Share, and then you can watch the Video.

  1. Any one can do it! All you need is 5 committed friends or Families to manage her milking roster.
  2. Decide what type of food you will feed her, preferably grass not grain. Lucas would give Milly a mixture of grass and a very small amount of grain to keep her settled during milking.
  3. Make sure she has ample space on grass fields (Milly has around 200 acres to wonder and graze on).
  4. Milly's bucket and the hands that milk her are sterilised with diluted Iodine disinfectant. We were also encouraged to rub natural moisturiser into our hands before milking to prevent her from chafing.
  5. You can find a Jersey cow from live stock trading websites, just google and find one that's right for you. Price can vary $1000 - $1300. Divide that between 5 families and the cost for your share becomes considerably lower and affordable.
  6. Animals can also extend into: Chickens, Sheep and Pigs or maybe a 'Farm share of animals and vegetables'... Creating a fully sustainable community where everyone involved knows where their food and produce comes from. How exciting for growing families! The kids will get more out of that than computer games and complaining that they're bored.
  7. Vet bills will be shared amongst the 5 families (cutting down the costs per family).
  8. One of the many good things about cow share is, if you go on holiday you can be guaranteed that she will be milked, or if someone is running late for milking they can call someone else to help out.
  9. It can take roughly around 5 minutes to get 1ltr, but this also depends on how productive your cow can be. So this varies from cow to cow.
  10. Enjoy the process and discover a natural more sustainable way of living.

O.K now you can watch the video....Enjoy :)

Bringing a piece of Australia to you



  1. Bro, the video didnt work. There was nothing there to play... :-(
    Rob and I were all excited to see it and found nothing. Your first intro video worked but not this one. Fix it, Lol, we want to meet Milly
    Loved the cow share information too :-)

  2. Hey Tess,
    So sorry to hear that, I think it might be your computer as others have been able to view it. You might need to download 'quick time' for your compuer. Let me know how you go other wise when i get a moment i'll pop it up on Youtube latter on. Big love to you both :) xx
